3D printing is a one-stop shop for partial dentures

The wonders of 3d printing in the medical industry are not less than healing bliss. This technology is rapidly expanding in the medical industry and making our life easier. We have seen numerous services like 3d printed body parts, artificial human skin and now we have one more prominent addition which is the 3d printed partial dentures. Renishaw health care center and Cardiff University Dental Hospital has invented 3D printed CoCr removable partial dentures. It can be removed and replaced if needed without any hassle. By using rapid prototyping services, they are now able to design the partial dentures in a much precise manner. It only takes 15 minutes to print partial dentures With the help of advanced 3d printing services , it only takes 15 minutes to design and print partial dentures which are of far better quality as compared to the traditional dentures. They are focusing on digital designs One of the members of the Renishaw team David Cruickshank said that ...